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Looking for job (Software QA or office work) - 11/24/20

Hello, My name is Jessica Lacson and I'm 22 years old. I am a permanent resident of the United States, I have a green card and an SSN.
I live in GRANADA HILLS, 91344.

I have 2 year bachelor in Computer Science (in English) in Riga, Latvia.
I have 1 year and 3 months of experience in IT as a Junior Software QA Tester in the Swedish company WEISSENRIEDER & CO AB LATVIAN BRANCH in Riga, Latvia.

Languages: fluent English and Russian.
Skills: Learn fast, sociable, responsible, Manual / Software / Agile / Web Testing, Test Planning, Test Cases, Regression Testing, Java using OOP, SQL, Graphic Design, HTML, Java Script and CSS concepts.
I am looking for a Software QA Tester job in IT and office work as front desk / reception / administrator / assistant.

My contact details:
cel.: +1 (818) 651-4938

Easter 2019 (27th - 28th of April) parking - 04/16/19

Parking on the Church lot will be severly restricted on Easter. From 9:00 PM you are advised to park at Cheremoya Avenue Elementary School 6017 Franklin Ave., Los Angeles CA 90028.

Blessing of Easter cakes and food - 04/16/19

Blessing of Easter cakes and food starts on Great & Holy Saturday after Divine Liturgy at 11:30 am and will continue every hour till 11:00 pm. Night blessing will continue after Easter service around 03:00 am.

On Easter day blessing will start at 09:00 am and continue till 04:00 pm.

Blessings of Paschal Food - 03/28/18

Blessings of koulich, pascha, paschal eggs and other food will happen on the Great and Holy Saturday, April 7th after the end of the Liturgy service around 11:30 am and then every hour on an hour until 11 pm. The last blessing will be after the Paschal Liturgy around 3 am. On the day of Holy Pascha blessings of food are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Parking for Easter April 7-8 - 03/28/18

Parking on the Church lot will be severly restricted on Easter. From 9:00 PM you are advised to park at Hollywood Bowl Parking Lot D (South Fairfield Lot) 6685 Odin Street, Los Angeles, CA 90068.

Maslenitsa - 01/31/18

Maslenitsa! And a concert, and pancakes!

Statement From the Chancery of the Western American Diocese on the Tragic Events in Las Vegas - 10/05/17

Archbishop Kyrill Decree 11/2017 - 09/23/17

Archbishop Kyrill Decree 11/2017 on Pastoral Conference 6-8 November 2017.

Blessings of Paschal Food - 04/10/17

Blessings of koulich, pascha, Paschal eggs and other food will happen on Saturday, April 15th starting around 1 pm and then continously until 10 pm. The last blessing will be after the Paschal Liturgy around 3 am on Sunday, April 16st.

Parking for Easter April 15-16 - 04/10/17

Parking on the Church lot will be severly restricted on Easter. From 9:00 PM you are advised to park at Sunset Gower  Studios, Main Entrance, at Sunset Blvd and Beachwood St.

Unction Service in our Church - 03/15/17

General Unction Service will be held at our Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin on Monday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm.

How we celebrated Paskha this year... - 06/05/16

Pictures from the Paskha Service of 05/01/2016. By A. Belyarchik.

Blessings of Paschal Food - 04/27/16

Blessings of koulich, pascha, Paschal eggs and other food will happen on Saturday, April 30th starting around 1 pm and then continously until 10 pm. The last blessing will be after the Paschal Liturgy around 3 am on Sunday, May 1st.

Parking for Easter, April 30 - May 1 - 04/27/16

Parking on the Church lot will be severly restricted on Easter. From 9:00 PM you are advised to park at Sunset Gower  Studios, Main Entrance, at Sunset Blvd and Beachwood St.

Maslenitsa 2016 - 02/24/16

Maslenitsa! And a concert, and pancakes!

photo credit: Morning Cakes via photopin (license)

What a fabulous event! - 02/22/16

The fundraiser concert held on February 21st brought in a lot of wonderful music, spirit of generosity and more funds for the parish than expected!

Photographs from the Vigil on the Eve of Theophany. By A. Belyarchik - 02/01/16

Christmas Tree Celebration! - 12/21/15

Dear parishioners, please join us for a Christmas Tree Celebration on Sunday, January 10th! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015 - Annual Parish Meeting - 11/08/15

Annual all-parish meeting will be held on Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 1pm.


We have new priest - Father Christopher! - 11/05/15

Father Christopher is replacing Father Martin, who left us to serve in a parish up north in San Francisco area. Fr. Christopher comes from the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral and many of us already know him. Welcome to our parish, Father Christopher! 

Pictures from the last service of Fr. Martin in our parish - 11/05/15

In memory of Bishop Alexander - 09/19/15

Saturday, September 12, marked the 10th anniversary of the blessed death of the former bishop of Buenos Aires and South America Alexander (Mileant).


Bishop Alexander (Alexander Mileant) was born in 1938 in Odessa, Russia. During World War II, his family emigrated from the Soviet Union and settled in Buenos Aires. When he was 8 years old, Alexander began to serve in altar. At the end of 1963, he enrolled at the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, from which he graduated in 1976 with a degree in theology. A year earlier, Archbishop Averky (Taushev; +1976) ordained him to the diaconate, Metropolitan Filaret (Voznesensky, +1985) ordained him to the priesthood and sent to the Protection of the Holy Virgin Church in Los Angeles, California, where he served for 31 year as the rector. Spiritually instructing his flock, father Alexander continued his education, receiving a bachelor's degree in electronics in 1978, then a master's degree, and in 1983 - the profession of engineer in communications at the University of Southern California. He worked at NASA laboratories involved in the development of aircraft engines. Worldly work has contributed to the fact that father Alexander became a computer expert, which, in turn, helped him to produce numerous missionary pamphlets that are popular in Russia and around the world. Today, there are more than 300 of his published booklets on Orthodoxy in Russian, English and Spanish.

In 1995, Archpriest Alexander was tonsured a monk at the Holy Trinity Monastery with the name Alexander in honor of the Holy Martyr Alexander of Kharkov, who died in prison in 1939 (before that Fr. Alexander bore the name of St. Alexander Nevsky, on whose feast day he rested in peace). On May 28, 1998 at the Synodal Cathedral in New York, Archimandrite Alexander was consecrated bishop and appointed as the ruling bishop of Buenos Aires and South America.

Happy Birthday our dear church! - 07/03/15

Our church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin celebrates its 50th anniversary. The service of the Great consecration of our church building was held on July 4th 1965.

Palm Sunday 2015 - 04/16/15

Palm Sunday in pictures. Click on this announcement or visit the Parish Life page on our website.

Paschal Address of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill, 2015 - 04/12/15

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! - 04/12/15

Blessings of Paschal food - 03/28/15

Blessings of koulich, pascha, paschal eggs and other food will happen on Saturday, 11th of April at 1 pm and 2 pm. Then after a break from 6 pm to 10 pm every hour on an hour. The last blessing will be after the Paschal Liturgy around 3 am.

Looking for an apartment - 03/27/15

30 year old, pregnant woman (due in May) looking for a 1 bedroom apartment or a large studio preferably within reasonable driving distance to Hollywood in a safe neighborhood.  Please call 646 552 8203 if you have anything available.
Thank you 

Parking for Easter, April 11-12 - 03/27/15

Parking on the Church lot will be severly restricted on Easter. From 9:00 PM you are advised to park at Sunset Gower  Studios, Main Entrance, at Sunset Blvd and Beachwood St.

Unction Service - 03/03/15

General Unction Service will be held at our Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin on Monday, March 30th at 6:00 pm.

Molieben with the Akathist to the Protection of the Holy Virgin - 02/17/15

On February 19th at 7:00 pm in our Church there will be a Molieben with the Akathist to the Protection of the Holy Virgin and with following Spiritual discussion (in Russian).

Charitable Concert raised nearly $1000! - 02/15/15

On February 8th the charitable concert for an Ukranian orphanage raised nearly $1000!

Maslenitsa 2015 - 02/03/15

Maslenitsa! And a concert, and pancakes!

photo credit: Morning Cakes via photopin (license)

Charitable Concert - 02/03/15

On Sunday, the February  8th, 2015 at 1pm the Parish Hall of our Church will host the charitable concert in aid of the orphanage of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Ukrаine). Soloists: the Regent of our choir Roksana Zeinapur (soprano) and Maria Shcherbakova (piano).

Charitable Concert has been rescheduled - 01/31/15

Due to the circumstances beyond our control the charitable concert scheduled for February 1st has been rescheduled and will take place on Sunday, February 8th at 1pm.


We are very sorry for such a late notice.

Blessing of waters - 01/12/15

The Blessing of waters this year will take place on Sunday, the January 18th, after the Liturgy and on Monday the 19th of January, the Day of the Theophany of the Lord, after the Liturgy.  

photo credit: bobosh_t via photopin cc

Christmas Tree Celebration - 01/03/15

Dear parishioners, please join us for a Christmas Tree Celebration on Sunday, January 11th! 

- 01/01/15

Happy New Year!

New Year Molieben - 12/27/14

The New Year Molieben Service will be held in our Church on December 31st at 7pm.

Liturgy on Sunday, December 14th - 12/07/14

Liturgy on Sunday 12/14/2014 will be served with His Eminence, the Most Reverend Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America. The Service begins at 10am. The English Liturgy at 8am will NOT be served that day.

Sunday July 29 (7/16 old calendar - 07/29/12

Sunday July 29 (7/16 old calendar)
Matins: John 20:11-18 Liturgy: 1 Cor. 1:10-18 Matt. 14:14-22

       Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Heracleopolis, and his ten disciples. Martyrs Paul and two sisters, Chionia (Thea) and Alevtina (Valentina), at Caesaria in Palestine. Martyr Antiochus, physician of Sebaste. Martyr Faustus. Virgin Martyr Julia of Carthage. 1015 Martyrs of Pisidia. Martyr Athenogenes. Repose of Elder Theodore of Glinsk Hermitage (1859).

Monday July 30 (7/17 old calendar)

       Great-Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia. Translation of the Relics of St. Lazarus, monk of Mt. Galerius near Ephesus. St. Irenarchus, abbot of Solovki. St. Leonides (Leonid), abbot of Ustnedumsk (Vologda). New-Martyrs Priests Ismael and Michael (Rozhdestvensky). Martyrs Speratus and Veronica. St. Euphrasius of Iconopolis, Bishop.

Tuesday July 31 (7/18 old calendar)

       Martyr Emilian of Silistria in Bulgaria. Martyr Hyacinth of Amastris. St. John the Long-suffering of the Kiev Caves. St. Pambo, hermit of Egypt. St. Pambo, recluse of the Kiev Caves. St. Leontius, abbot of Karikhov (Novgorod). Martyr Marcel. Martyrs Dasius and Maron. Saints Stephen, Archbishop of Constantinople, and John, Metropolitan of Chalcedon. "Tolga" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Wednesday August 1 (7/19 old calendar)

       Opening of the Relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov. St. Macrina, sister of St. Basil the Great. St. Dius, abbot of Antioch. Blessed Romanus, prince of Ryazan. Blessed Stephen, king of Serbia, and his mother St. Militsa. St. Paisius of the Kiev Caves. New-Martyr Victor, Bishop of Glazov (1934). Abba Diocles of The Paradise. Repose of Blessed Abbot Nilus (1870) Repose of Elder John of St. Nilus of Sora Monastery (1903) Repose of Hieroschemamonk Anthony of Valaam (1862).

Thursday August 2 (7/20 old calendar)

       Holy Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah). St. Abramius of Galich or Chukhloma Lake, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Opening of the Relics of St. Athanasius, abbot of Brest-Litovsk. New-Martyr Lydia, and with her the soldiers Alexei and Cyril (1928); Priest Philosoph Ornalsky and those with him (1918). Repose of Righteous Priest Valentine (Amphiteatrov) (1908).

Friday August 3 (7/21 old calendar)

       Prophet Ezekiel. St. Onuphrius the Silent of the Kiev Caves. St. Onesimus, recluse of the Kiev Caves. Opening of the Relics of St. Anna of Kashin. Martyr Victor of Marseilles. St. Anna, mother of St. Sava the Serbian. Martyrs Justus, Mathias, Eugene, Theodore, and George. Martyr Acacius of Constantinople. St. Eleutherius of "Dry Hill". St. Parthenius of Radovizlios, Bishop. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Armatia".

Saturday August 4 (7/22 old calendar)

       Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalen. Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope. Woman-martyr Marcella of Chios. St. Cornelius, monk of Pereyaslavl.

8th Sunday After Pentecost

       "Give ye them to eat!" said Christ to His disciples. And He said this to them as if answering their advice: "This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals." But Christ insisted, "Give ye them to eat!" Then the disciples said to Him, "[Teacher], we have here but five loaves, and two fishes" (Mt. 14:15-17).
       Let us put ourselves in their position: a tremendous crowd — the men alone were about five thousand, not counting women and children. With the approach of darkness, the places where bread was sold would be closed. So this crowd of many thousands faced a hungry night in the wilderness. With them were little children. While Christ spoke, all physical needs were silent; but now He fell silent and the people were already beginning to feel hungry. What would happen next? People would become weak, children would cry from hunger, and no one would be able to fall asleep. The result would be despondency, disillusionment, and maybe even murmuring. We believed Thee; we came in search of the Kingdom of God and its Truth. That’s why we came to Thee here. Thou didst promise that everything else would be added to us. But here Thy promise has not been fulfilled. We don’t even have the food necessary for our children; and night is approaching, a dark southern night.
       Yes, it’s possible to understand the attitude of the disciples. Even their love for their Teacher may have prompted them to warn Him. And He, when they mentioned the inadequacy of their food supply — five loaves of bread and two fish — He commanded the people to sit down on the grass in groups, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, looked upon heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, gave them to His disciples, and His disciples to the people. And they all ate and were filled and gathered the remaining pieces into twelve full baskets (Mt. 14:18-20). A great, unprecedented miracle. And this miracle is historic!
       But the power hidden in these five words of Christ, "Give ye them to eat!" many times exceeds both the physical filling of the crowd of many thousands and the two thousand years which separate us from that time.
       ‘‘Give ye them to eat!" Did this mean physical food only? No. It meant everything that the God-Man has brought to earth: salvation of the human race, spiritual food, all the sacraments which were established by the Lord, the entire Church of Christ, Catholic and Apostolic. But the Apostles were mortal and the Church is eternal. The Apostles would need successors: deacons, priests, bishops. In such a way the Church will exist eternally and feed believers. She will give them that which no one and nothing on earth can give. With the words: "Give ye them to eat!" Christ makes His Church Apostolic. And at that moment, when Christ commanded the people to sit down on the grass in groups — this is the great moment of the organization of the Church. Remember Holy Russia. It consisted of separate groups — parishes — and they all merged into one great whole — the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
       In this way the Church of Christ now exists and will exist until the end of the ages.
       Let us always strive for Her. And if for some reason we cannot always abide in Her physically, then let us always live psychologically within the Church cycle. And we will find food which leads us into Eternal Life. Only in the Church do we find the greatest Sacrament of Christ, the Sacrament of His Body and Blood which contains Life Eternal.

Archbishop Andrew of Novo-Dvyevo

Sunday July 22 (7/9 old calendar) - 07/22/12

Sunday July 22 (7/9 old calendar)
Matins: John 20:1-10 Liturgy: Rom. 15:1-7 Matt. 9:27-35

       Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina in Sicily. Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna in Crete. St. Theodore, Bishop of Edessa. Martyrs Patermuthius, Coprius, and Alexander the soldier, in Egypt. Saints Patermuthius and Coprius, ascetics of Egypt. St. Euthymius of Karelia. Blessed Peter, Hieromartyr of Cherevkov (Vologda). Martyrs Andrew and Probus. Saints Dionysius the Rhetorician and Metrophanes of Mt. Athos.

Monday July 23 (7/10 old calendar)

       St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves, founder of monasticism in Russia. Holy 45 Martyrs at Nicopolis in Armenia, including Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, Anthony, Alexander, Anicetus, Sisinius, Meneus, and Belarad (Verelad). The Placing of the Precious Robe of the Lord at Moscow. Martyrs Bianor and Silvanus of Pisidia. Martyr Apollonius of Sardis. St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan. 10,000 Fathers of the desert and caves of Scetis martryed by the impious Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria. "Konevits" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Tuesday July 24 (7/11 old calendar)

       Great-Martyr Euphemia; the All-praised Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, princess of Russia, in holy baptism called Helen. Hieromartyr Cindeus of Pamphylia. St. Nicodemus of Vatopedi (Mt. Athos. . New-Martyr Nicodemus of Mt. Athos. New-Martyr Nectarius of St. Anne's Skete (Mt. Athos. St. Leo, monk of Mandra. Martyr Martyrocles.

Wednesday July 25 (7/12 old calendar)

       Martyrs Proclus and Hilary of Ancyra. St. Michael, monk of Maleinus. Martyr Golindukha, in holy baptism Mary, of Persia. Martyrs Theodore and his son John of Kiev. St. Veronica, the woman with the issue of blood who was healed by the Savior. Blessed Serapion, abbot of Volomsk. Saints John and Gabriel of Svyatagorsk. St. Anthony, abbot of Leokhnov (Novgorod). Martyrs Andrew the Soldier, Heraclius, Taustus, Menas, and others. Martyr Mamas near Sigmata. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Of the Three Hands".

Thursday July 26 (7/13 old calendar)

       Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel. St. Stephen of St. Sabbas' Monastery. Martyr Serapion. Martyr Marcian of Iconium. St. Julian, Bishop of Cenomanis (LeMans) in Gaul. Virgin Abbess Sarah of Scete in Libya. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Axion Estin" ("it is Truly Meet").

Friday July 27 (7/14 old calendar)

       Apostle Aquila of the Seventy, and St. Priscilla. St. Ellius (Hellius) of Egypt. St. Onesimus, monk of Magnesia. St. Stephen, abbot of Makhrishche (Vologda). Martyr Justus at Rome. St. Nicodemus of Mt. Athos. (spiritual writer). Martyrs Aquila, Hilary, Peter the New, and Heraclius.

Saturday July 28 (7/15 old calendar)

       Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir (in holy baptism Basil), Enlightener of the Russian Land. Martyrs Cyricus (Quiricus) and his mother Julitta of Tarsus. Martyr Abudimus of the isle of Tenedos. Martyr Lollianus. Finding of the head of St. Matrona of Chios.

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

       In today’s Holy Gospel, we hear of two accounts of the wonderful mercy and compassionate love of God.
       In the first encounter, two blind men cried out to Jesus the He might have mercy on them. Our Lord asked them if they believed that He was able to heal them. They replied that, yes, they did believe… and the Lord touched their eyes and said “According to your faith let it be to you”.
       Shortly after this, a man who was mute and demon-possessed was brought to our Lord. And the Lord healed him as well, casting out the demon and restoring his voice and well-being.
       In this fallen world in which we live there are diseases, the demons go about their business and there are wars, there is bickering and accusation even within the community of the church. Indeed such sorrowful things are found no farther away than within each and every human heart.
       We need to have the humility to recognize the sinful state in which we find ourselves. We need to have the discernment and the perspective to know who is our real enemy… it is not our brother or our sister… it is the filthy demon who wants nothing more than to drag us down into arguments, discord, and despair. And we need to have the sincere and heartfelt faith of the blind men in today’s Gospel… men who were so severely afflicted and yet who were not afraid to call out to God for His mercy and for His compassion.
       And surely our Lord heard them, asking them if they believed He could heal such a grievous illness as blindness. Let us ask ourselves… do we have faith that God can heal our illness, our problems, whatever sorrowful situation we may find ourselves in?
       The answer is assuredly, ‘Yes, He can!’ But do we have the faith and the humility to allow it? God works his mercy through a cooperative soul. We need to cultivate the broken and contrite spirit that welcomes God’s mercy and His healing touch.
       May God grant this spirit of humility and strength of faith to our world which is so troubled at this time, may He grant it to our church community and families, and may He grant it within the heart of each and every one of us.

“Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we have hoped in Thee” (Psalm 32, 22). - 08/26/10

Western American Diocese collects donations for fire victims in Russia. You can send your donation before September 10th by a check straight to Western American Diocese (the address is below) or by a debit/credit card on our donation page. In any case please do not forget to note that your donation is for Fire Vitims in Russia.

Western American Diocese
Fire Vitims in Russia
598 15th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118

Eggs and baskets blessing

Easter eggs and baskets will be blessed on Saturday, April 3,
at 6 pm, 7pm, 8pm, 10 pm and after the Easter Matins.

The Holy Unction Announcement - 03/06/10

This year, the Holy Unction (Soborovanie) will be held at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral on March 23rd at 6 PM. Please schedule your confessions prior to that day.

Holy Theophany house blessings

It is customary for Orthodox Christians to bless their dwellings each year with the newly sanctified water of the Holy Theophany (after January 19th). To schedule a visit, please contact Fr. Martin (Orange county and Southern L.A.) or Fr. Alexey (L.A. and the Valley) or leave your contact information at the candle stand at the church entrance. Please indicate what time is convenient for you.

Your donations help orphanage

Donations collected by the parishioners of our Church for the shelter of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco in the Ukrainian village of Old Tarazh have already brought tangible assistance. The donated money, including those collected in our parish, helped the shelter to start the construction of new dwellings, and to install a new worship cross.

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