Our Church needs a lot of help, we need funds to pay for gas, water, electricity, insurance, icon lamps, cleaning, vestments, and many other things. If you think you can help, please get in touch, we will be happy to accept any help.
- If you would like to become a member of Church sisterhood, please email us at joinsisterhood@pokrovchurch.org, or call (323) 466-4845, or leave your contact information at candle stand.
If you would like to give donation, you can do this online:
( please don't use this button to pay membership dues. Dues can be paid here)
or send it via mail to:
Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church
2041 Argyle Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90068
You also can help us by purchasing at amazon smile:
Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church sincerely thank you for all your help and support!